Temple of the Forgotten is an organization dedicated to helping communities develop systems of care and support for the mental, emotional and spiritual needs of those living in poverty, homelessness and local incarceration.
We believe that everyone, regardless of their life circumstance, deserves community and care.
We believe that true change begins in the community. Through carefully developed programs and workshops, we have found a way to transform and inspire communities to approach the issues of homelessness and trauma from a place of deep compassion, care, and a desire to help.
At Temple of the Forgotten, we welcome people from all backgrounds. We believe that there are many paths to peace and fulfillment, and that everyone's journey is unique. We uplift the sacredness of the human experience over all else, and are committed to fostering a safe, brave and inclusive environment.
At Temple of the Forgotten, we understand the crucial nature of non-denominational spiritual care for the unhoused. This is why we are dedicated to educating our communities, training ministers & chaplains, and advocating for the innovative, life changing work of the street chaplain.
"Let's reimagine our communities to be places where there is a commonly held, deeply sacred belief that all deserve to be loved, seen and welcomed, no matter their life circumstances."
Rev. Charlotte Cramer